by: Sekar Shani
Chicken is a fowl. In latin chicken called Gallus galus domesticus. There are many species of chicken, such as: fighting cock, jungle fowl, broiler, rooster, laying pullet, and still more again kinds of chicken.
Chicken has two types sex, male chicken called rooster or cock and female chicken called hen. The rooster is larger than a hen. It has a long spur, a big comb, and a long tail feathers and dangling. On the contrary, the hen is smaller than rooster, has a short spur, a small comb, and a short tail feathers. Generally, chicken has two legs, a strong beak, and downy.
Chicken gave birth by ovipar. Hen brood their eggs during 21 days. While every morning, rooster crowing loudly to awaken human. Chicken is an omnivor. It ates a variety of foods such as: corn, warm, rice, and snail. People raising chicken primary s a source of food, consuming both their meal and their eggs.
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